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About Award

15пт separator мар2013
The PROpeller Digital Internet Award is held every year from 2003. During last three years PROpeller collected more than 400 best digital-cases from Ukraine, Russia, Belorus, Israel and Baltic states.

The first PROpeller Digital’s advantage is its venue: the premium Crimean SPA-resort Palmira Palace**** on the Black Sea coast. In the middle of the spring – when The PROpeller will be held here this year on the 25-27th of April – there is the fruit trees bloom already.

The deadline for the enries was the 31th March 2013. The Jury will start its work after the Expert Council judging of the competitions projects. The Expert Council collects the Jury members of the previous years and the greatest names of the digital world. The main goal of the Expert Council is the preview and selection of the entries that will compose the short list of the finalists who will be able to defend their projects in Yalta on the 26th of April.

The Internet Award Jury is formed according to the principle of equal quotas between the leaders of the digital industry and the most active advertisers in the segments of internet and mobile marketing. This year among them are Microsoft Ukraine On-line Marketing Manager Mr. Maxon PUGOVSKOY, Kozyrnaya Karta (Trump Card) biggest Restaurants Family On-line Projects Manager Mr. Maxim PARASKA, StarLight Brand Content Digital Producer Mr. Ivan KUCHERENKO and the Jury chairman – Beiersdorf Ukraine Marketing Director Mr. Joachim BENTZ.

The agencies pool is represented by Grape Ukraine and Red Keds (Moscow) CEOs – Mr. Yuri GLADKIY and Mr. Vitaliy BYKOV accordingly, as well as by The Head Manager Smartica/Skykillers agency Mr. Yuri KACHKARDA.

YALTA Digital Forum is composed of the Award Events – public defense of the projects finalists, Jury members and Jury Chairman Master-classes, Awards Ceremony. YALTA Digital Forum earned a reputation of the platform where the decisions that determine the development trends of the Ukrainian interactive communications market are taken.

Award’s official site:
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