Yalta Digital Forum
06пт | апр2012 |
This year the UDAC will orginize the education section for clients in the framework of the Yalta Digital Forum. The conferences organizer team “TOP Management” and “UA Digitals” of Elena PEDAY and the marketing directors conference Marketing Revolution organizer the company “Be First” of Alina HARETCHKO are also taking an active part in Clients Day organization on the Yalta Digital Forum.
The conference “The Future of Traditional Media” raised the most actual questions for the modern print media – the questions of digitalization, monetization and those of cross-plarforms. This year we are going to raise the level of discussion with the Ukrainian advertising and media business top players taking into account the Internet advertisig sales growth as well as the attempts of TV media holdings to develop the cross-platforms.
We are going to make stronger the conference “The Digital Technologies in the Service of Restaurant and Hotel Business” also.
Fаn page of the Yalta Digital Forum on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yalta.digitalforum